Some mind-blowing facts about social psychology | by MUDASSARSHARIF | InfoTech

Let us see first what's social psychology?

Social psychology is that the field of the scientific study of how thoughts, behavior, emotions, and feelings of individuals are influenced by the particular, imagined, or indicated the presence of others.

mind-blowing facts about social psychology

Expert gardeners first prepare the soil before they plant a seed, within the same, way first set up the stage for what you would like from somebody else.

Always trigger good and amazing memories within the other person, for eg. rather than asking how was your weekend, ask them what thing did they like most about their weekend or even what thing they're expecting to try to on the weekend.

These are the mind-blowing facts about social psychology:

1. An individual who tells lies is more daring to seem at the opposite person’s eyes directly because he must make eye contact to verify whether his lie is believed or not.

2. When shaking hands with others in winter, if your hands are warm, people will immediately feel good about you.

HAnd Shaking

3. If you are feeling that somebody is watching you, and you can't make certain. you'll check out your watch or pretend to seem at your wrist. If the person is basically watching you, he also will subconsciously check out his wrist/watch.

4. People that do not like to bother others are less like being troubled by others.

This kind of person annoys others to ask him for help. If you usually ask him for help and disrupt his plans, he will definitely dislike you.

5. If someone stares at you impolitely, keep watching his shoes. this may make the person feel very uneasy and even mad.

6. People that only mention friendship but not money tend to value interests more.

The relationship which will stand the test definitely involves money. people that are willing to speak about money with you on the initiative are tons more sincere than those that only mention the connection with you.

7. If making an invitation to someone, and he/she doesn’t explicitly agree, then it means rejection.

8. An individual who doesn't mention this but always misses the past is perhaps having a nasty time now.

9. people that are very vigilant and difficult to urge on the brink of usually have suffered tons of trauma, in order that they tend to disguise themselves like hedgehogs.

10. Once you feel that you simply know someone well, this might indicate that you simply see yourself during this person.

11. Adding a small nod to your conversation will make others focus more on what you're saying. additionally, "nodding" can increase the persuasiveness of your point of view and make people accept as true with it, because "nodding" will create a psychological hint to people, which is "what I said is true."

12. People that wish to brag tend to possess complex, or their lives aren't good, and that they are superficial.

Similarly, showing off also stems from inner unconfidence, which shows that they need attention and affirmation.

13. What an individual hates is usually more reflective of his true character than what he likes.

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